Legal Notice

Important Notice About This Website...

This website is presented for information and promotional purposes only. It is in no way intended to replace the services of an attorney or to provide legal advice. 

 The transmission and/or receipt of information from the Marc Stewart Law, PLLC website is not intended to and does not create an attorney-client relationship with the reader or visitor. Communication between us of any kind, without a clear agreement by us to represent you, is merely discussion and does not constitute an attorney-client relationship. Only a written agreement between you and Marc Stewart Law, PLLC, signed by an attorney associated with the firm, can result in our representing you and protecting your interests.

We have made every attempt to comply with all known legal and ethic requirements in providing this website and its contents.

Case results presented in this site reflect previous results, but in no way guarantee future outcomes. Each case is unique and dependant on a wide varity of factors that can determine its level of success.

Any personal information submitted through this website in an effort to contact Marc Stewart Law, PLLC shall be held in confidence and used only for the matter of responding and replying to your request.

All content contained within this website is copyrighted in full by Marc Stewart Law, PLLC. All rights reserved. The person responsible for its content is Marc E. Stewart, and any questions regarding content should be directed to him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 877-650-6080. 

Nothing contained herein is intended to imply specialization or certification by any organization not previously approved by the Texas or Arkansas Board of Legal Specialization.